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  • Clare

Water Reflections

since living on the water these last six months, I have felt much more present

long cold nights with starry skies, sometimes only the wind and the sounds of tinkling boats and sparkling stars as my companions 🌙

frozen rivers and stormy nights that I thought would never end mirrored my inner world sometimes

but once warmed again by the light of the sun and loving awareness, the moments passed, and I came to see them as energy moving through with a little less attachment

I feel such deep gratitude each time the sun reappears through the windows of the boat a little earlier, a little more often

as the plants begin to awaken to a life that we can see

It's not gratitude for life returning like I once thought, as if winter was only about rest, but for the very truth that life exists so deeply, too, in the unseen

in the warmth of the tree, cocooning its life

in the damp soil so wildly still alive beneath the surface

It has inspired me that slow, tender, and gentle are still living

to be intentional, to be slow enough in all that we do, so that we can be with and feel it all

to notice the body calling for rest or the subtle nudges of no she whispers

the quieter I have been, the deeper I have felt into the unseen

in the powerful place of being, in feeling


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