- Clare
I'm Right Here
This song came to mind today, “finally I’m where I wanna be…I’m right here”
And immediately I was taken into goddess mode singing my heart out. And then came the recognition, wow I am where I once could only dream of. And it’s all about being right here in this very moment.
I have been feeling so grateful lately for all that is in my life, and the calmness, love, and joy within my own being. But these past few days, I have found myself in some old patterns, and my dreaming had quickly become longing.
Wanting to be further ahead, to be in those warmerplacese,s and so on, are a drain of our energy. We remain in a place of longing, and it deprives us of seeing the beauty that lies right here, right now.
And so I come back this moment. And after sitting with the aches I had been avoiding, my heart bursts with joy for my life.
I feel myself emerging in many ways from a long winter, that spans way beyond the current calendar. I would say this is my first real emergence, especially one of this scale.
In January I sold out my writing course, got my first paid editing job, was approached to write and record meditations for two wellness apps, and the most lovely photographer approached me to do a photo shoot (and what a divine experience it was!)
Next week I head to Co Clare in Ireland, where I’m named after, for a pilgrimage with a beautiful friend for Imbolc, and just today I felt my Irish ancestors even more than usual.
I am emerging, wildly rising, and for the first time in my life, I am unapologetically expressing my joy and gratitude, because it has been such a dark, heavy journey to get here!
Some days I feel unstoppable, hair and flares blowing in the wind, I feel so ALIVE!
What has truly helped me up to now?
My mum Alison, her gentle nurturing capacity to love so fully, and support me through it all, especially on the days I can’t see my light.
Lawrence, for cheering me on and teaching me the beauty of empowered and divine masculine, safely showing me there is another, miraculous capacity to love and trust all things, especially the masculine, after nearly 30 years of not having this.
Deep shamanic work, dance, meditation, yoga, full-volume power ballads (daily if possible), intuitive eating, gratitude, holistic massage, goddess intention setting & self-care, writing, writing, and writing some more.
Beautiful sisterhood, family and community, for the love, support, and laughter like no other
& all other goddesses and those yet to meet, you know who you are, I feel you, I see you. We are rising 🔥