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as the sun rose on the solstice morning, with my little one in my arms, I felt so alive

as I always do when the veil is thinnest between worlds at the festivals of the year

when the unseen can be felt more strongly, and our connection to all things comes into light

I've always loved ceremony, ever since I was a child, talking to the trees, fairies, and making potions in the forest

starting at imbolc (February 2024) we will be meeting once every few months for online wheel of the year with a small group, where we walk all eight festivals together

with a WhatsApp group in between for shares and rituals, with the intention of committing to walking and working with the energies of the seasons

working with the moon, the astrology, celtic folklore, herbs, trees, and the energies of the wheel, as well as the live eight ceremonies altogether in community

no experience of astrology or meditation required for this journey together

earlybird price £140, £20 deposit to sign up and remainder can be paid in full or three - four month installments

Please contact me for scholarship places, as finances don't need to be a barrier 🌳

Earlybird Online Celtic Wheel of the Year Journey (deposit)

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